Friday, March 12, 2010

you've got to learn to live and live and learn

after work today i went over to my friend christina's house to watch the k state (boo) vs baylor (boo yet again) game and to make st patrick's day cupcakes. we also made a run to taco bell and i got this amazing pacific shrimp taco with a dr pepper (stuff of champions). tomorrow is the ku (wooooot woot) vs k state game. i am soooo stoked, however; i work tomorrow. it's a good thing i work at dick's sporting goods...we get to watch games on the tvs if we aren't too busy. people had better stay away, is all i'm saying.
so my little sister is in vegas for her friend's sweet 16 right now...she keeps sending me pictures of drive-through wedding chapels and slot machines. i am jealin like a fellin.
i started blogging because i thought it would be pretty cool to start writing again...(i was on the newspaper in high school and thoroughly enjoyed it). however...this is kind of different. i feel like this is sort of an online journal. is it weird that i'm blogging about my blogging efforts? wow. shows you what kind of life i lead.
classes start next week...i have a class on tuesdays from 5:30-9:30 or something crazy called interpersonal relationships. should be a B.L.A.S.T....
i also have a class called adolescent psychology online. i hope i actually keep up with it. i'm not the best student in the world. especially when the teacher is virtual.
well...good night dear void.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the island of misfit toys

i started to pay close attention to interactions between people i know today (my future therapist mind shall come in handy one day). i noticed the body language, and took note of the specific way people worded things to specific people. how odd it is, the way people would say something to one person, and say it completely different to someone else. for example: someone might say to sarah, 'oh man i cut my finger earlier when i was cutting tomatoes' and to josh they would say 'dude i sliced my finger open today. it was so sick!' people change the way they talk, and what they talk about with different people.
so on to a new topic; i'm in the singles branch for my church, and we all pretty much hang out outside of church activities as well. when thinking about each individual...i realized that we're all incredibly different. well yeah, obviously no two people are alike, but still. we are an island of misfit toys, if you will. i honestly don't see how some of us get along. we're just...strangely situated together.
subject change again. i was reading online a couple of months ago about people watching (which is something i frequently do), and apparently colleges sometimes have clubs for that sort of thing. now that i am transferring to park university, maybe i could suggest we begin one? i am an expert people watcher. the interacting of human beings fascinates me. i guess the point of this post is to just put my odd, discombobulated thoughts out there into the vast space of the internet. (even though i have no followers at present). i guess i like it that way though. it's safe. it's forgiving. and's liberating.

Monday, February 8, 2010

valentine's day week...

so today i got to thinking...the beloved (a.k.a. loathed, despised, and dreaded) valentine's day is coming up. you know what it should truly be called? hater's day. a day where everyone who is single can feel worse about themselves than they already do. as if seeing couples holding hands and looking longingly into each other's eyes at the park isn't painful enough, valentine's day (or VD for short) is the day where all of those wretched people not only receive the longing looks and sweet kisses, but they also get gifts and a special romantic evening. WHO, i say WHO, in the world came up with this 'holiday'? the happy couples in this world do not need yet another day to feel extra super special love and appreciation. i ALSO do not believe it should be a day where the singles hide out in their bedrooms with 'a walk to remember' and a pint of ben and jerry's keeping them company. all the single either one of two things: a) go out on the town with your friends (girls-dance the night away, guys-have a guy's night with your choice of poker or fantasy football) or b) ignore it. just forget the fact that this stupid worthless waste of a 'holiday' even exists.